Register for SciFinder Scholar Web version by November 16

The UIC Library now has access to the latest version of SciFinder Scholar in its new format, SciFinder Scholar Web (SFWeb) version. Users must register for SFWeb with their UIC email accounts by November 16, 2009, to continue to use SciFinder Scholar. SFWeb can be used with the UIC proxy server so it will no longer be necessary to use a VPN connection from home.

To register for a SciFinder Scholar Web account, please go to:
1. Library home page
2. Choose "Databases A-Z"
3. Select "S"
4. Select "Scifinder Scholar - Web Version Registration for ALL users"

Once you are registered the link to log into SFWeb is at the same location.

You may also need to download the Java Plug-in for structure searching.

Please direct any problems or questions using SciFinder Scholar Web version to Tim Klassen,, field_56ba6f8fdb00c

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