New online journals: Radiology and Radiographics

Two journals published by the Radiological Society of North America have been added to the Library's online journal collection.

Radiology is a monthly journal devoted to clinical radiology and allied sciences. It includes original research, reviews, commentary and expert opinion on new techniques and technology in radiology. Its impact factor of 5.377 ranked first in the category of RADIOLOGY, NUCLEAR MEDICINE & MEDICAL IMAGING according to Thomson Scientific's Journal Citation Reports for 2005. The subscription features issues from 1980 to the present and includes current pre-published articles.

Radiographics delivers high-quality, detailed radiologic images as well as full-text articles. The online archive includes issues from 1981 to the present.

To retrieve these journals, search by title on the E-journals page on the Library's website or in UICCAT. If you have questions, consult a librarian or click on Ask A UIC Librarian., field_56ba6f8fdb00c

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