New resource: AccessSurgery

The Library is pleased to make AccessSurgery available for UIC users. This electronic resource provides surgery textbooks (CURRENT Surgical Diagnosis and Treatment, CURRENT Consult Surgery, Schwartz's Principles of Surgery, Zollinger's Atlas of Surgical Operations, and Skandalakis' Surgical Anatomy) and chapterized, narrated videos of surgical procedures to UIC users. AccessSurgery also contains Board Review exams after free registration, with options to email results and to track exams over time. Board Review exams will work for UIC users on campus, or from off campus, if you enter AccessSurgery through the links provided by the Library. When you register, please use your UIC email because it will be easier to follow up in case of any technical issues.

Bookmarkable link for on-campus as well as off-campus access:

The Library purchased AccessSurgery with a given number of simultaneous users, and the Library is monitoring usage to see if this number needs to be increased. If you have any access problems, please contact Deborah Blecic, Bibliographer for the Health Sciences, or Library Systems., field_56ba6f8fdb00c

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